Memory: With 22MB of memory, you can download additional mapping content, save tracks, routes, additional points
of interest, geocaches and more.
Easy to use: One-button access takes you directly to all of the most important features. Intuitive operation with
keypad and joystick control adds even more fun to GPS navigation. First-time users can easily navigate with the eXplorist
Go GeoCaching: Download Geocache to coordinate from Internet sites and use them on your outdoor adventures. This
unique feature makes managing coordinates even easier with a PC-style file system.
Pre-loaded maps: With 10MB of built-in North American maps it’s easy to navigate around roads, parks, waterways
and to find airports and other points of interest.
10 languages: No matter your language, there’s a good chance the eXplorist speaks it. Choose from English,
French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Dutch or Norwegian.
USB connection: Transfer map data from your PC to your eXplorist 400 with the high-speed USB data port.
Battery life: Two “AA” batteries can keep your eXplorist continuously powered for up to 17 hours.
One-time investment: Your eXplorist 210 is ready to go with no service fees and no activation fees.